Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Horizons...

I am set to leave my current workplace for pastures new. As always, I'm looking forward to a new challenge and am fervently hoping that I go to an organisation which believes in the benefits of structured thinking and wants to change the 'no time to think, less time to plan' culture that dogs IT within organisations. I am always optimistic at this stage, however, generally, I find that organisations are very much alike across the board and EA gets little more than lip service from senior managers.

Monday, December 11, 2006


It does seem to me that there is no real EA community. We all know the poential of EA, and the benefits therein, but apart from a few, I have to say, very sales focused offerings in this area (not mentioning any names) there is no real EA oracle. Where are the communities of practice? Where are the online resources?

To quote Pink Floyd, 'is there anybody out there'? Or, am I missing some great resources out there on the ether?

Answers on a postcard please or post a comment on this blog!